The physiotherapy department at JCSRS aims to help students with different physical needs in accessing the curriculum smoothly and build up their independence.
Physiotherapy in JCSRS focuses on working to:
- Provide gross motor assessment to individual students
- Improve gross motor skills (strength, balance and endurance)
- Improve transition, mobility and access around the school (transitional skills, gait training, stair management, walking aids prescription, wheelchair skills, etc.)
- Improve motor planning, coordination and agility to access sports in school and daily activities
- Promote better posture for students when they are learning (in-class exercise program, adaptive seats, etc.)
The physiotherapy department is well-resourced with lots of transfer equipment, walking aids, a wide range of gym equipment, etc., to support students with a wide range of physical needs to access barrier-free learning.
PT support in PE classes
Individual or group PT sessions and in-class support will be provided according to student needs.
Individual sessions
Group sessions
In-class stretching for better posture
There is a heated hydrotherapy pool in JCSRS. Students are able to enjoy physiotherapy training with lots of fun.
Fun activities in the pool during the training